Undeportables collective was founded by a group of undocumented youth in 2012, who came together on the UCLA college campus and realized immigrant stories in the media didn’t reflect the full spectrum of our humanity. 

We used humor, drama, satire, documentary, and everything in between to bring about awareness of real-life issues of the immigrant experience through film.

The team was made up of mostly untrained writers, actors, and filmmakers.  Below are some samples of our work. 

~Wil Prada, Undeportables Co-Founder


Soledad, A story of Deportation ~ 2013

Story of the deportation of a young girl's mother, and the pain that comes along with it.


The org ~ 2014

The birth of an undocumented student support group on a community college campus. Satire, political humor, etc.


The super undoc ~ 2013

A congresswoman tries to deport her enemies, immigrant organizers, but her plans are foiled when an immigrant with super powers comes to the rescue!

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In 2014 President Obama Announced Administrative Relief for immigrants, but left out much of the immigrant community.


IZEL ~ 2016

A homeless teenager, Izel, has a difficult life but finds peace and wonder in astronomy and a telescope he builds. He shares this tranquility with his community.



Urban gentrifier Quirky Nancy discovers Mexican-style Mangoes in East LA and lives to blog about it.